I had a checkup today, and all is well with me and baby. My b/p was 110/80, still looking good, as it has been along. Baby's heartrate ranged from 150s down to 130s and then back up to 150s again. And baby's position is still fine, same as last time. We talked a bit about doing the Group B Strep test at 36 weeks--I had the option to decline, but I decided to go ahead and do it. If it happens to be positive (which is possible, but not all that likely) then I have to decide whether or not to do anything with the info. Just because a woman may have the Group B bacteria, doesn't necessarily mean that she will still have it at the time of delivery, or that the baby will be affected by it. There are options such as herbal remedies or getting antibiotics from a doctor to hopefully get rid of the bacteria. Anyway, I just would like to know if I test positive or not and then take it from there. At a regular dr., they automatically test for it at 36 weeks, and I guess it is common to give the mom IV antibiotics during labor if she is positive. I have no idea what my status was with Sam, since the test hadn't even come back yet, since he was born at 37 weeks. They may have given me IV antibiotics and I just didn't know it! We also talked about emergency procedures, such as what to do if the baby arrives before the midwife, etc. We also have a paper that tells all about that, and I'm sure Jim would do a fine job if need be--but I hope he won't have to!
We have started collecting some of the birth supplies, and I plan to have those all ready by 36 weeks at least. A lot of it is stuff I already have on hand. I'm really getting excited about our plans for a homebirth. It's so awesome to have Jim supporting me 100% in this, and I can tell he is looking forward to it, as well. I haven't really written much here yet about homebirthing, since I'm certainly no expert on the subject, and I feel that I after I actually do it, I will be able to write about it with a much more informed perspective. However, I have read up on it some and have talked exensively with several other homebirthers, and everything I've heard has been very positive. Some people don't think homebirthing is safe, but there have been plenty of studies done which show that it is just as safe as giving birth in a hospital, and sometimes more so--as long as a woman is not at high risk for any complications. Of course, things can still go wrong, but they can go wrong just as easily in a hospital. I appreciate Sherry because she is very dedicated to providing great care for mother and baby, and doing everything possible to ensure a safe birth. If any problems arise, she will immediately transfer mother and/or baby to a hospital. So I feel very comfortable, knowing that I most likely will be able to have a good birth experience in my own home, but should the need arise, that there is also a good hospital just 10 minutes away.
In other news . . . both Zan and Joey have had their babies within the past week and a half! Both ladies had baby boys that were 8+ lbs! Congratulations to both of you! I hope you and your families are all doing great.
QUESTION(s) OF THE WEEK: I would love to have any homebirthers share your experiences. I know that I have talked to some of you personally, but please feel free to share any thoughts and memories here for others to enjoy. Most people aren't very familiar with birth experiences outside of a hospital, so I'm sure it would be interesting for others to read!
Secondly, please share anything that helped you get through labor--I know for many women it is the epidural, but I won't have that option!--so I'm looking for relaxation techniques, massage, heat, concentrating on Scripture, etc. I know with my first, I was helped most by Jim breathing right on my face so I could follow along with him . . . I'm counting on that again, but I'm also hoping to try different positions, etc. for comfort. I would love to hear what worked for others!