Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Nesting Urge Kicks In

28+ weeks . . . I'm figuring I have anywhere between 9-12 weeks left (and hopefully no more than 12!). A few weeks ago, I noticed that I was getting more energetic and one day all I wanted to do was clean and organize. That evening I mentioned to Jim that I must be "nesting," and he answered, "Yup, that's what I was thinking earlier." I've found that the nesting urge continues, though it's not a daily occurence. :) Some days I just want to clean everything, and other days I just want to lie around and do nothing. I think Jim's caught the urge, too. Yesterday he got home from work early, so we decided to bring Sam's bunkbed upstairs and set it up. That led to moving his room all around, to make room for everything. Then we decided we needed to go buy a mattress for the bed, just in case he was interested in sleeping in it last night . . . then we had to get twin sheets, etc. He already had a comforter that his Grandma and Papa got him for Christmas, so we were all set with that. We finally got his room put back together and it looks really nice! Now if we could only get the walls and flooring finished pre-baby . . . :)

I had my 28 week appt. on Monday, which went well. Sherry did the finger prick blood test (I'm happy she doesn't make her clients drink the icky glucose drink except in rare cases!). My glucose and hemoglobin numbers were both very good--my iron level is actually at the high end for a pregnant woman, which is encouraging. After giving birth to Sam, I was a little bit anemic, but hopefully this time I can keep the iron right up there and not have any problem. My weight was up about 5 lbs. since last time (ackkk--5 lbs. in 2 weeks!), but she said it was fine and that my weight gain is on track. That means I've gained 23 lbs. total so far. I'm thankful to remember that I'll drop about 20 lbs. or so in the weeks immediately following the birth! I'm also not sure if my weight was totally accurate, seeing as we had a lot of salty food over the weekend, so I could be retaining water because of that. It'll be interesting to see what I weigh in 2 more weeks. My b/p is still doing fine--it was up a bit from last time, but still in the normal range--118/82. Baby's heart rate was in the high 120s/low 130s this time, which was a switch from the usual, but still fine. We also talked about whether or not I wanted to do the Rhogam shot now, or just wait till after the birth, which is what I decided to do. In most cases, it seems that there is not likely to be any problem that results from not having it in mid-pregnancy, so I would rather avoid it till afterwards, just in case the baby has a negative blood type as well, in which case he/she wouldn't need the shot. We also discussed birth preferences, such as when to cut the cord (she normally waits till it stops beating, which is fine with me--but she will of course take a cord blood sample as soon as possible in case the baby does have a positive blood type, so they can get the Rhogam going); whether we wanted to do the eyedrops and Vit. K for baby, etc. I don't see the eyedrops as a need unless baby has some kind of discharge from the eyes, or something, but I'm OK with the Vit. K. All in all it was helpful and informative, and I'm getting excited to be thinking so much about the birth already!!

It's funny to think back to what was happening exactly 2 years ago today. I had the first of my weekly midwife appts. during my pregnancy with Sam. (My due date was March 25 and I was excited to be at the point of going in once a week!) At that appt. I saw a midwife I hadn't met before, and she was a bit concerned because I was measuring small for my due date, so she ordered an ultrasound to check that my dates were on track. I had had a morning appt. and the ultrasound wasn't scheduled till afternoon, so we had a little time to kill, and went shopping, and probably out for lunch, though I don't remember for sure. I do know that after much deliberation, we bit the bullet and went to Best Buy, where we splurged on a digital camera! Anyway, I went back for the ultrasound, everything was fine, and we got a nice profile picture of the baby. We went home, where we ate a quick supper, and then I picked up my mom and headed over to my sister-in-law's house, where I THOUGHT we were going for a Tupperware party. Turned out that I was the only one who got a Tupperware invitation (yes, my SIL was VERY sneaky!!), and everyone else got invited to a surprise baby shower for me! The house was filled with friends from church, as well as relatives. It was such a fun and exciting evening and a very special time. We were blessed with so many lovely gifts, I was overwhelmed. Late that week, Weds. and Thurs. to be exact, the nesting urge kicked in big-time. I washed little sleepers and onesies, we set up the crib, and I cleaned the kitchen like a madwoman and cooked a chicken dinner on Thurs. night. Woke up Friday morning at 6, when my water broke. :) And of course you know the rest of the story! Were we ever glad that we had bought the dig. camera on Monday, since we had a very good reason to use it on Friday!!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Do you have any "nesting" stories? When did the nesting urge hit you (or did it)?


Carrie said...

Zan, thanks for commenting! I have been wondering how you're doing and if you've had the next little one yet! I'm sorry about your back pain--I'm just getting to the point of having a little bit of it, but only at night and it's nowhere near intense. I have no experience with back labor, but I wouldn't blame you one bit for getting the epidural!! Back labor sounds nasty and I hope I never have to deal with it--especially with a homebirth, since I wouldn't have the option of an epidural anyway! I was another one of those short pushers--about 45 minutes--and I have to say that was plenty! I really admire the women who push for hours and hours; they are superwomen in my book! :)

About circumcision--I'd love to hear your take on it, by the way--we did have Sam's done and probably will again if we have another boy. I was back and forth about it, having read a lot of stuff online which made the tender-hearted part of me bothered by it; however, I left it up to my husband and that's what he wanted. Sherry doesn't do them, but we talked about it a little with her, and she said that she thinks one of the drs. at our ped's office does them. I know another lady who homebirthed and took her son in on the 8th day to have it done, just like the Israelites do it. She was telling me how the clotting factor is actually the highest on the 8th day--pretty cool how God designed it that way!! So probably that's what we would do as well, if we have a boy. I'm secretly rooting for a girl so we don't have to deal with it. :) In the end, even though I know it is painful for the baby, it's not like they are going to remember it later on.

I'll definitely be praying for you--hope all goes well and that you have a nice easy l & d with no back labor! Be sure to post here or email me sometime after he's born--whenever you get a chance!

Anyone other moms have an opinion on circumcision? I know it's a personal preference thing--and I abide by my hubby's decision on it--but if anyone has a comment regarding this, you are welcome to share. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been nesting most of this pregnancy with little brakes here and there. Walls and door frames really drive me nuts with hand prints on them. For the last month or 2 every light fixture bugs me, but with high ceilings I have refrained from climbing a ladder to clean them. Sat. the boys took out a bathroom and there was plaster dust in every room! The were all good helpers in getting the place straightend back up and mostly in order. H even vacs the downstairs 2xs a day for me.

Yes my skirt is the A- line one. Other than the small maternity panel it fits like a reg. one. It will be a great one when I eat to much at a restraunt!

Our two oldest boys are circum. - at the hosp. Boy 3 @ home was not. If this is a boy we will probley not either.

Zan and I must have very close due dates as I am considered term on sat. I have been having strong contractions off and on for over a month, mabye this baby will be a quick one. If it turns. With the third one I decided I was getting an epidural as soon as I got to the hospital - turns out I was already to far dialated to get one!

Shyla said...

Hi Carrie!
I haven't read your blog in a while and I thought to check in today to see how you are holding up!
I have 9 more weeks left. Nesting hasn't really hit me yet. I have had bursts of energy, but with working 40+hrs a week full time, I crave the couch when I get home! :)

I'll let you know when it all begins for me!
Take care,

Carrie said...

I sure have enjoyed reading others' nesting tales. Zan, I have to say that it definitely sounds like it will be soon, if you haven't had him already!! I am anxious to hear. :) Joey (anonymous) could be any day, as well!

That was interesting about the circumcision/cervical cancer thing. I also think the cleanliness thing would be easier to deal with when the boy is circ'd--but I have no experience with an un-circ'd boy, so I wouldn't know for sure! I also have always taken comfort in the fact that God required circumcision for the Jews, and even though there is a lot of hype these days about how horrible it is for the baby, I don't believe God would require something for them that was cruel and traumatizing for life. I also found it interesting that George slept most of the way through his! I have no idea how Sam did, as we didn't go with him when it was done--but when he came back to us, he was wide awake and so peaceful. I was so relieved that he wasn't screaming and didn't seem bothered by it at all.

Shyla, it was nice to hear from you! It'll be fun to see which one of us goes first! Hang in there; I sure understand why you would want to crash on the couch every day after work! Do you plan to stop working a few weeks before your due date? Take care and get all the rest you can!!