Monday, March 13, 2006

Almost 31 Weeks

I'm at nearly 31 one weeks now and had another appointment today. I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by! Everything is going great. My b/p was 118/80, my weight was down a pound from last time (amazingly!), for a total of 22 lbs. gained so far, and I'm measuring around 29 weeks--again, I'm not really surprised, since I always measured small with Sam, too. I asked Sherry if she could tell the baby's position yet, so she felt around a bit and determined that she's quite sure the head is down (yay!). She could feel something big and round down there, anyway, and felt another lump higher up, above my belly button on the left side, which she thinks is baby's bottom. She also felt something high on the right side which moved away at her touch, which was likely a foot. So the baby's back is along my left side, as far as we can tell. It all makes sense because I feel movements both hight and low, but the lowest ones feel like hands/fingers (more of a crawly feeling), while the higher movements feel like kicks and rolls. I'm very happy to know that baby is headed the right directions and praying that he or she stays that way! There was a high school student observing Sherry for the day (she's doing a project on midwifery--pretty cool!), so she got to feel the baby's position as well. Baby's heartbeat was in the high 130s/low 140s this time.

I'm still having occasional sciatic twinges and heartburn, although the latter is nowhere near as bad as I had it with Sam. I've also had a bit of pain in my upper back, which is something I also experienced with Sam--same exact spot. None of these things are a big deal, though--just a part of late pregnancy and getting bigger and bigger. :)

Sam hung out with my parents during my appt. and then we ate supper with them afterwards, and Jim gave my dad a haircut. Now it's time to head for bed!

Let's all keep blog readers Zan and Joey in our prayers--they are both due to have babies any day now; hopefully all will go well for both of them when the time comes!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Share your 3rd trimester memories--what was the best part of late pregnancy? What was the worst part? Physically, mentally, emotionally, whatever . . . I find myself getting more and more emotional these days (not a good thing!). Poor Jim . . . Also, if anyone else has a good idea for topics for these weekly questions, please let me know! I find myself running short on ideas these days. :)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all went well at your app. on Monday. I had mine also and everthing went EXCELLENT! Baby is engaged in the right position. Now I just need patience to wait on the Lord's timing. Thank you for your prayers.
3rd trimester has a huge range of emotional changes - one that really stands out is loneliness (with 5 kids around?). I miss my husband within 5 min. of his leaving for work and some days will just start to cry because I miss him so much. Sometimes I am in tears before he has left the driveway. Also I cry at almost everthing. Some days I have TONS of energy which is usally followed by two days were I can't get my head off the pillow. It does me no good to not take full advantage of the spirt of energy. 1 week and 3 days to go!

Carrie said...

It made me feel better to hear I'm not the only one with wacky emotions!! :) I know just what you mean about crying at almost everything. Do you tend to get the "baby blues" a lot after having your babies, as well? I had them big time with Sam--not post-partum depression, just a bad case of the blues! Well, you are getting close now (and maybe you've already had your little one!) and I hope all is going well for you this week. Keeping you in prayer!

I am also getting very impatient to meet the baby and find out if it's a boy or girl!!! I haven't gotten any comments on hugeness yet, but probably that will come. :) So far the thing I've heard a few times is "I can't believe you're due in May! You're so tiny!" I'm like, "HUH?" I don't FEEL tiny! You are right about it being a challenge for a Christian lady to keep smiling and keep her mouth shut with all the comments that she gets, though . . . people mean well, but if they understood how things come across (esp. to an emotional pregnant lady) I think they might rephrase the way they say things sometimes!

Carrie said...

Zan, I just saw your comment on Crystal's blog and left a comment for you there, then came over here and saw you had posted here as well . . . Anyway, hooray for you! I'm so happy to hear that little Harry is here and is doing well. And also that your labor was so fast--even though it was so painful, at least it was over with quickly!! That's how I'm hoping mine will be, too. I would just prefer that my midwife can get here in time, though. :) That was funny about you hitting your husband (although I'm sure he didn't think so); mine was an awesome coach last time around (thankfully) so hopefully he will be again this time, too!

Well, I'm very happy for you and I hope all continues to go well as you adjust to life with two. :) Take care, get lots of rest, and send pics when you can!!!