Saturday, September 27, 2014

33 Weeks

Okay, this is actually my 32 week update--but since I am 33 weeks today, it pretty much counts for this week, too. :)  I forgot to update about my 30 week appt . . . so here is a quick recap!  But first, a picture.  This one was taken last Sunday at 32 weeks, 1 day.  I apologize for how foggy it looks!  It was a hazy day where we had had some rain off and on, and it showed up in the pic more than I expected!

So anyway, on to my updates!  At my 30 week visit, Sherry re-checked my iron levels and they were back up in the normal range.  All that Floradix must have helped!  I am continuing with taking it and will through the end of pregnancy (and beyond if needed).  My b/p was up a little bit, but not so much as to be concerning.  Baby's heart rate was in the 120s-140s. 

My 32 week visit was this past Thursday (which was actually 32 weeks, 5 days).  B/p was up again a little bit, but was back in a normal range when she retested it while I was lying down.  I remember that it varied with position in one or two of my previous pregnancies, so that wasn't really surprising.  Baby's heart rate was mostly in the 130s.  We discussed things like water temperature for the tub, a few other supplies I needed to get, etc.  I bought a few more things today, and I think now I have almost everything I need except diapers and a few other little odds and ends.  

Sherry recommended really working on eating plenty of protein (and I've been working on eating more red meat anyway, for the iron), and getting more exercise to help with any possible blood pressure issues.  It was the motivation I needed, as I've really slacked off on exercise of any kind over the past few months.  So yesterday Julia and I took a mile long walk down the road, and today our whole family went to the bog and walked the trail with some friends, for a 1.5+ mile loop.  I'm going to try to get a mile daily, if possible--or at least 5 days a week.  I've gained about 30 lbs. so far and I'm hoping the exercise might help me not gain TOO much more!  Plus I know it'll help get me into better shape for labor.  

Baby is still super wiggly, and I am curious whether we have another super active girlie in there (like Julia) or just an active boy.  Heart rate is more like what I would think of for a boy, but my other kids' heart rates didn't necessarily follow that "rule," so we will see.  Julia is hoping for a sister and I think it would be fun to have 2 girls and 2 boys . . . and to get to use my girl clothes again . . . but I will obviously be happy either way. :)   

So, my next appt. will be 2 weeks from today, on a Saturday, which is different than usual, but the way it worked out best around some prior commitments that Sherry has.  I'll be exactly 35 weeks then.  Around 36 weeks, she will do a home visit . . . then at 37 weeks I'll be in safe territory for a homebirth, and I'll have weekly appts. until whenever the baby decides to come!  It seems like the time is really going by fast, and I am thankful.  It won't be too long until we get to meet this new little person. :)


Kathleen :-) said...

It's getting so close now! :-) We can't wait to meet and see your precious little one, either!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Such a fun post!!! I understand the whole blood pressure thing. :) A lot of mine were better if lying down too. You look great. It is always fun to hit the safe to have baby at home mark. Your pregnancy is going by soooo fast! Enjoy these last few weeks.You often go early don't you?

Mrs.T said...

I actually love this foggy picture. You look so cute in it! And I have to say that I found it hilarious how your "country cat" inserted himself into the picture. His colors go so well with your outfit, too!

1HappyWife said...

Wow! It is going fast, especially when you break it down with appointments. Are you usually late, early, or on time? You look good with your cute bump :-)...the cat made a nice touch to the picture. I really should be taking floradix too...I remember every time you mention it then I forget to get it. It is so much fun to read your posts.

Carrie said...

Well, I FINALLY remembered to publish all these comments! I really need to work on getting them done more quickly. :)

Nikki, yes, I have gone early with all the others. Josiah was my latest, at 39ish weeks. The other two were 37 and 37.5 weeks. As long as I can make it to 37 weeks, I'll be happy. :)

Thanks everyone for the sweet comments! Hopefully I will get another post up soon!