Getting closer and closer!! I had my 38 week checkup yesterday. My weight was up 1 more lb, and my b/p wasn't too good when Sherry first checked it (130/88). However, when she checked it again a little later (while I was lying down) it was completely normal. So it seems that position makes a difference. Obviously we'll still keep an eye on it, but I was relieved that it was fine while I was lying down. Baby's heart rate was in the 130s-140s again; he or she was being very calm and not jumping around a lot as usually seems to happen while she's checking the heart rate. I was measuring smaller again this week, so I guess the baby wasn't sticking his bum up as much or something. :)
I'm praying that baby decides to arrive by Friday morning, or waits till next Tuesday, because Sherry will be away for a long weekend. There are two backup midwives whom I can call on if I do go into labor, but of course I'd be most comfortable if my "own" midwife was able to deliver. :) So if you think about it, please pray about that for me! I suppose if things go like my last labor, Jim could end up delivering anyway . . . :)
If I don't have the baby early, my next appt. will be next Weds. (23rd). I'm definitely feeling ready to go anytime, but baby appears to be very comfy and cozy in there, and is taking his time about coming out. :) I'm not super uncomfortable (most of the time) but the pregnancy hormones are really getting to me. I seem to cry about anything and everything! Ugh. I'm thankful for a patient and understanding husband. :) I'm also thankful that it probably won't be more than a few weeks and then I'll just have the postpartum hormones to deal with, LOL. :)
Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments and prayers . . . I love being able to share my pregnancy journey in this way and I'm thankful to all of you for your encouragement!
Your looking really good! I don't remember the hormones making me cry. I get a bit more crabby and I REALLY have to watch my responses and my attitude. That is not so unusual for me anyway though:). I'll be praying that you will have your midwife attend your birth. Not too much longer!
I'm so glad you're not terribly uncomfortable. That's what bugs me so much, every time I would move...oh another trip to the bathroom. So inconvenient.
I will pray that your midwife will be in town when you deliver, I'm sure your husband would do a fine job, though. :)
Aren't the pregnancy hormones just so much fun? the other day I was talking to my mom and burst into tears for no apparent reason. I had to keep reassuring her that it was nothing she said, just that I was pregnant. Oh, brother! ;-) Hang in there, Carrie! Praying for a great delivery for you!
I will definitely be praying that you have your baby while the midwife is available. Preferably on Friday b/c that is the due date that I guessed ;-) I'm glad you're not feeling too uncomfortable & I hope you are able to rest well until baby comes!
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