Monday, February 04, 2008

28 Weeks

Third trimester, here we come! It's exciting to realize that I'm 2/3 of the way done . . . or maybe more, seeing as I've never made it to 40 weeks yet. :)

Is it just me, or is everyone really clutzy in the last few months of pregnancy? It's been really bad in the past week or two. In just one night, I broke a bowl and a ceramic tart pan, spilled oats all over the counter, knocked a couple other things on the floor, and managed to accidentally scratch Julia's face with my engagement ring--twice. Thankfully not every day is that bad, but I feel like I am constantly doing something clutzy!

I've been making a postpartum/new baby "wish list" recently. I honestly don't really need anything for this baby (except diapers and things of that sort), nor do I really need anything for myself, except some new nursing bras. But I keep coming across things that I would love to try, so I'm making a list in case I'm able to earn some extra money in the next few months. Here's what's on my list so far:

~Nursing bras--2 (YES! bra--$14/apiece on Ebay)
~LANA nursing pads (wool, supposed to be super nice--approx. $20/pair--I'd want 2 sets)
~Peekaboobaby nursing cover (not a need--blankets work fine--but these look so nice, and are so cute, too!--$32)
~Kangaroo Korner pouch (still debating between fleece or cotton--approx. $62)
~New medium-size diaper bag (I'd love a Ju-Ju-Be, but only if I can win one!)

Have any of you tried any of these things (or something similar)? I am having fun dreaming, whether or not I actually end up buying anything! :)

We are tossing around more baby name ideas, but haven't come up with anything definite yet. Well, we're pretty much settled on a girl name (I think) but we like to keep the names secret till after the baby's born, so I won't share it here. For boy names, we're still very much undecided. One thing is for sure, it won't be Aiden, Jaden, Hayden, Braden, or Kaden. (No offense intended if someone has a boy with one of those names. :)) But Jim detests all such popular names; he's much more of a traditionalist when it comes to names. I was recently looking at a website that listed the most popular boy and girl names from 2007. I cracked up when I saw that Aiden, Braden and Kaden were in the top 3 spots for boys. And Jaden was number 7, I think. Just think how funny it's going to be when they all hit school age, and the classes are full of boys whose names sound alike. :) So . . . we're trying to come up with something a bit less popular; we'll see how it goes. Some of the names we're considering are actually quite common, but not used as much nowadays. Feel free to leave any name suggestions, but I can't promise we'll use them--still, you never know. :)

Sherry came and did a home visit this evening, so that was fun. She and another midwife were in the area doing some other home visits, so instead of us going to her house, they stopped in here. Everything is continuing to go well. I'm measuring small, but that's normal for me. I forgot to ask what my b/p was, but I think it must have been fine, as she didn't mention it being abnormal. Baby's heart rate was about 140-145 this time. My weight is up 9 lbs. (yikes!) since last time. I couldn't believe it when I weighed in this morning. I definitely need to cut back on the cookies. :) Actually, I've only gained 19 lbs. total which is fine; I was just surprised to see it jump so much in a month. I don't really look that much fatter, so I'm hoping it's mostly baby. :)
I am working really hard at drinking a lot of water, and so far I've had barely any swelling, and hopefully that'll help with my weight gain, too. I've been dealing with more frequent heartburn and sciatica, but I'm thankful that those are pretty much my only inconveniences. I have it so easy compared to a lot of women!

From here on out, I'll be having appts. every two weeks! So you can expect more frequent updates. :) I don't have a new belly pic for this week, but there's one from last week on my regular blog, which you've probably all seen anyway. Hasn't changed much since then!

Question(s) of the Week: What is/was some of your favorite baby or mama gear? Did you go through a clutzy time during pregnancy? Any baby names to suggest? Share away!


Rachel said...

I think that I had/have the same nursing bras that you have/want. I'm drawing a blank as to the exact name and I'm too lazy to go and find out right now:). I LOVE them and the price was excellent! I ordered mine off of ebay also and was incredibly happy with them.

I loved the Halo Sleepsacks, Baby Bjorn front pack, Lansinoh disposable breast pads and lanolin and Ameda Purely Yours breast pump. I'm sure that I'll dig out some other things that were favorites but I loved these three items.

I was VERY clumsy when I was pregnant with Michael. I broke glasses and spilled my drinks constantly. This time, it's not as bad but I did spill my husband's con queso dip last night - *sigh*.

Funny about the names:). You already know our opinion on the matter. It sounds like we have similar thoughts on the subject.

I'll continue to pray for you as you are on the last leg of your pregnancy. I hope that it goes by without incident. :)

anne said...

Hi Carrie!
Just read all the way to the bottom
where you mention the letters A U and L, and instantly thought of Lynn's brother, whose name is Paul!
Perfect, huh? Glad things are going well.
love you,

Anonymous said...

Dropping things is one of the first signs that I am pregnant & it last 9 month and the first few month after baby. I should stick with plastic & let the kids handle glass, and I should stay away from stores!
Favorite baby things is still the ERGO!!
Glad all is going well. Did you have a turtle-neck on in the picture of the maternity shirt you made, or is it part of the shirt?
Loved the color.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember being more clutzy during pregnancy than I already am. Maybe it can't get any worse. :)

As you know, I had a thing for strollers when mine were little. I loved the Maclaren twin I had and the lightweight Silver Cross.

As for pregnancy, my "must have" was chocolate. ;) No, seriously, it was.

Erin said...

Wish I had baby names to suggest...we're trying to come up with our own over here!

I think I've learned my lesson: When we first started looking at names, we both liked "Caden". Honestly, I'd NEVER heard of the name before. And it's no. 93 on the latest SS names list, so I didn't think it was overly popular. Well, we made the mistake of telling people what we were thinking, and now this is what everybody is calling him. (Even though we said nothing was definite!) When I saw "Kaden" and all the other -aden names at the top of the list recently, I about croaked, because I really don't want an uber-popular name either! So I'm not sure what we're going to do...we're trying to remind everyone that we're still not settled. (Except for the middle name, which will for sure be Joseph for family reasons:o)

So all that to say...good for you keeping your names a secret till the end! I think we'll be doing that with any and all future children to avoid what we're now dealing with!

Erin said...

And thanks for your recent sweet comments over on my blog...I've just now been getting around to answering some of them! It would be SO fun to meet you guys in OH sometime!

Carrie said...

Rachel, it probably was the same bras--I loved mine too!! I wish I had known about them before I had Sam. I got 2 very expensive bras (I think they were Medela, maybe) and while they were nice, they didn't hold up as well as I would have liked . . . or maybe I just should have had a few more in my rotation. :) Anyway, before Julia was born I came across the Yes! ones and I couldn't believe the incredible price. I could seriously buy 3-4 of them for the same price I paid for just one of the Medelas. I also like the Lansinoh disp. breast pads and I loved my breast pump, which was an Avent Isis (manual). Even though my kids didn't take bottles very well, it was handy when I was engorged or needed a bottle to bring to church. Glad to hear you have had some clumsy moments, too! :)

Anne, thanks for the comment and the name suggestion! Paul is one we have considered . . . I'm not all that crazy about it as a first name, though, but it is a definite possibility for a middle name, as it is Jim's middle name and also my dad's. So we will see. As far as the letters go, though, it IS perfect! :) I know I owe you an email--I will try and write soon! Hope you are doing well.

Joey, your comment made me smile. :) Glad to hear from another clumsy-during-pregnancy mama! The ERGO is still one of my favorite things, also. And in the picture you asked about, I had a turtle neck on under the shirt. It was a chilly day! The shirt I made would look more dressy without it, though. I got the pattern from Fashionably Modest Patterns and it has instructions for how to turn it into a maternity shirt.

Mindee, you must be one of the lucky ones that escapes clutziness. :) And my "thing" for pregnancy *would* be chocolate, only I won't let myself eat too much of it because it aggravates the heartburn. :( (I guess that's a good thing for my weight gain, though!)

Erin, I have to admit that I do like the sounds of all those "aden" names, and Caden in particular. I say, if it's what you want to use, go for it! Maybe it's just not as popular where you live. In our church, there are at least 2 Aidens, 1 Caden, 1 Jaden, and 1 Hayden. Granted, it's a large church, and these boys are anywhere from toddler to elementary age, but I still think it's amusing. :) I actually really like some of the other names on the top 10 list--for example, "Caleb," which was number 4 (I think) on the list I was looking at. But I wouldn't use it personally just because I already have 2 close friends who have sons named that. I'd like to find something that's a little less popular. :) And for us, keeping the name secret works out best because we usually aren't 100% decided on a name until we actually see the baby! I know we are unusual in that respect, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, George and Harry aren't very popular. ;-)

Owen is a little more popular and I am worried that it is growing in popularity. We have to call this baby Owen because he has been an "Owen" for months.

I can't keep anything a secret and I know my tastes are never popular, so I don't worry about telling people. I do like a lot of the popular girl names like "Emma." Maybe, by the time I have a girl they won't be so popular?

Answer to the questions: I am always a clutz, pregnant or not.

I have no favorite mommy products except those soothies and lanolin stuff for breastfeeding. They are like ice on a hot fire. Ahhhh!

Thanks for the update. I will try to udate after my appointment, this afternoon.
