Tuesday, January 08, 2008

24 Weeks

I had a checkup yesterday afternoon, and everything is looking good! My blood pressure was normal at 120/82, my weight is up by about 10 lbs. total, and baby's heart rate was in the 140s to 160s. We all got a good laugh when baby kicked the doppler and made it go "boop" quite loudly. :) Like he or she was saying, "Stop poking me with that thing!" We talked a bit about my hopes for the birth (I'd like to have another waterbirth) and Sherry's assistant thought that would be neat, as she hasn't gotten to see a waterbirth yet.

After the appt. Jim spoiled me greatly by taking me out to Chili's! I hadn't eaten there for ages, so that was fun. Then we did a little shopping, and finished up with Frosties from Wendy's. We so enjoyed our date night without the kiddos--thanks Mom & Dad!!

So far this pregnancy has been very much like my others. The heartburn kicked in around 20 weeks, but thankfully I haven't been had more than a few really bad episodes. I am trying to drink more water which should not only help my digestion, but also should keep me from swelling as much. I usually get a lot of swelling in the last couple months, so I am really hoping to avoid that. I am measuring a bit small, as always. That is likely to change near the end, though, as the baby grows and changes position. Sciatica is still bothering some, but mostly just when I accidentally sleep on my back, or sit in a funny position or something.

Well, I'm sitting here listening to the primary results, so I'm a little distracted right now and haven't come up with any good question of the week. Feel free to comment anyway, though!


Rachel said...

You look so cute! A 10 lb. weight gain is great for being 24 weeks along! I hope that your desire for a waterbirth works out for you. Didn't you have fairly fast labor and deliveries with Sam and Julia?

How funny that your baby whacked the doppler:). During my ultrasound, the baby didn't appreciate being poked and moved around! I am amazed at how early babies can move around even though we can't feel it right away. My little guy is feet down right now and loves to jump on my full bladder - ha, ha. I was told that there is plenty of time for him to turn. Hopfully, he cooperates:).

Your hubby is so sweet to bring you out for lunch. How wise to eat AFTER you had to weigh in. Last time, my appt. was at 1:00 and my hubby and I went on a date before the appt. I'm sure that my weight was not exactly accurate after lunch - ha! I am not particularly fond of the weigh-ins. I just grin and bear it.

Now that the holidays are over, I've been attempting to be very careful about eating right and exercising regularly. I write down everything that I eat. I'm trying to prepare for the glucose test. Last time, I had a very mild case of glucose intolerence and I had to watch my carbs very carefully. Doing that, kept my weight down and I HAD to exercise and eat right even when I didn't want to. I am hoping not to deal with that again but God knows and I need to trust in Him:).

I think that I have a touch of sciatica this time but I'm not sure as I've never had it before. I am wondering if I should see a chiropractor. Any thoughts?

Well, I have rambled along long enough. I enjoy reading your updates. I am praying for you as you go through this pregnancy.:)

Anonymous said...

You look great! Even though I see you every week, I hadn't noticed the baby that much. :) I'm glad your appt went well. At the end of my preg with #3, I told my midwife I wasn't weighing myself anymore. LOL! She was ok with that. But I gained a lot with him. Another waterbirth would be cool. Hopefully your midwife can see it this time. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't realize you had a waterbirth before! How'd that all go? I've heard great things about that but since we're not low-risk I'm afraid that's totally out of the question for us in the future.

Oooh, Chili's sounds so yummy! Sounds like you two thoroughly enjoyed your date night!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going. You seem to be catching up with me, if that is possible.
