Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Over Halfway!

20 weeks--and I'm happy to be over the halfway mark! :) I had an appt. yesterday and all is well. Sherry found the baby's heartbeat with no problem, and it was loud and clear, about 153 beats per minute. Hooray! I forgot to ask her what my b/p was, but I'm assuming it was normal since she didn't say anything about it. My weight is up about 5 lbs. total, which is I think about what I'd gained at this point with Julia. I'm going to try to keep from bingeing over the holidays. :)

My sciatica is giving me fits tonight. I think I need to go to bed and hopefully it will straighten out overnight. I have a ton to do tomorrow because we are leaving for Ohio on Thursday. Heartburn has also started up already. I told Jim the baby is probably a boy, because the heartburn started earlier like it did with Sam. But then the heart rate was high, so it could be a girl. I don't think either way is a foolproof method of predicting. :)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: I am curious if the "heart rate prediction" held true for any of your kids (if you remember). For my two so far, it has been accurate. According to the "old wive's tale" (as I suppose it is) boys' heart rates are lower and girls' are higher. Sam's was usually in the 130s-140s and Julia's was in the 140s-150s. But I've heard of plenty of babies that are opposite (higher boys, lower girls).


Jenny said...

If I remember correctly, Aaron was always right around 140. He was not much help in the old wives' tale department, but I didn't mind - I like surprises! I just thought it was a little funny that he was usually right in the middle or right on the line for any of the old gender guessing games. :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear all is well!
For my three I had at the hospital, I had the same sweet nurse each time. When she listened to the heart she said "I think you are going to have a boy." Same with the second. When I went for my third, she said a girl. I was so excited and told her she had been right the last two times! She checked in the next day to see if she had been, she had.

Samara said...

Dinesh was always around 150, but because I had to go in constantly for kick tests & external monitoring, I always ate or drank something sweet to provoke him beforehand, which may have upped his heart rate too.

Matt & Nicki said...

My high was a girl but her's was in the 160's--my boys' this pregnancy and Silas were in the 150's and high 140's. BUT, based on my symptoms I would definitely had said this is another girl and it is for sure a boy! Weird. I was so convinced I knew. Congratulations . . .I am at 24 weeks and trying NOT to binge either!!

Tracy said...

Kara was at 160 which is what the prediction for a girl is, but Lydia's heartbeat was always around 140/145. Andy's heartbeat was always up at 160. So the only child who fit the mold was Kara. However, the Chinese Lunar Calendar predicted all three kids correctly. It says this baby is going to be a girl, so I guess we'll find out in 8 months :)