Wednesday, February 15, 2006

27-ish Weeks

I had my most recent appointment with Sherry on Monday. She was using her little wheel thingy to calculate how far along I am, coming up with 26 weeks, 4 days . . . which seems off to me, since I figure that my "changeover day" (when I hit a new pregnancy week) is Tuesday--therefore, I think I hit 27 weeks yesterday. Whatever . . . it's only 2 or 3 days difference anyway. Just as long as that 2 or 3 day difference doesn't cause any problems if the baby decides to come right at 37 weeks (by my calculations). Any earlier than that, and I can't do a homebirth. I think Sherry would take that into account, though--since my due date is actually a Tuesday, and if you figure back from May 16, I would hit 37 weeks a little sooner than her wheel calculator says. Hmmm, reading back over this paragraph, I have no idea if it'll make any sense to my readers. :) Anyway, it is weird to think that this baby could show up anywhere from 10-14 weeks from now! We're starting to get close!

Everything went well at my appointment. My b/p was still good, around 102/80. Urine sample looked a lot better this time, too, now that I got rid of the UTI. Baby's heart rate is still in the 140s, with the occasional dip into the 130s. It's amazing how loud and strong it is now, and easy to find, compared with those first appointments. I'm measuring about a week behind, but that doesn't worry me because I consistently measured about a week behind with Sam, enough so that one of the midwives got concerned at my 36+ week checkup and ordered an ultrasound, to make sure everything was on track and they didn't have to push my due date back. However, he came along 4 days later, and was just fine--he was small, but healthy! So maybe I'm just the type to measure small with all my pregnancies. I asked Sherry if she could tell what position the baby's in yet, but it was a little early to tell for sure. She thought from the way I'm carrying, that the baby may be transverse right now, but there is still plenty of time for him/her to move around and get headed the right way. :) And as active as this one is, I bet the position changes several times a day! We also talked a bit about birth supplies--I had considered buying a birth kit online, but all the ones I've found seem to include a lot of stuff that I don't need (things that Sherry will already have with her, such as gloves, gauze, etc.), so I've decided to just buy the things I need locally. That way I don't end up with a bunch of stuff that won't get used. I'm still going back and forth on renting a birth tub . . . I THINK I would like to use one, but I'd hate to spend the money and then find out I don't like it . . . Since my only birth experience thus far was completely in a lying/half sitting position on a bed, I just don't know for sure what comfort positions, etc. I'm going to want to use this time around.

My weight gain is pretty good--18 lbs. thus far. I know that I'll probably pack on a lot more during the last trimester, though!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: (a silly one)--Did/does your belly button pop out while you were pregnant? With my first, it did pop out a little, mostly just the top of it. So far it looks like it will do the same this time around. It's one of those things that makes me laugh to look at it!


Anonymous said...

Mine popped. All three times. My sister got married when we visited, when I was about 7 1/2 months along with #2. The dress I wore was of a really light material and we actually had to go with two slips and tape my tummy to hide the bump!

Carrie said...

Thanks for sharing your belly button tales. :) Joanne, that was hilarious about all you had to do to hide the bump for your sister's wedding! I would have done the same--I don't like having that bump showing through my clothes. I would always think it was weird when I would see people on TV (such as Kelly on "Regis & Kelly") who would wear tight maternity shirts and have this big bump sticking out. Why would you want to show it off?!

Mindee, thanks for the great idea about picking up birth supplies bit by bit and filling a box in one place--I think I will copy you. :)

Rachel said...

So far my bb hasn't popped but neither has my tummy! I'm 24w and noone can tell.....but it is my first. My bb has CHANGED definitely though. :) I'll be surprised if it doesn't eventually pop. :)

Carrie said...

Hi again Rachel--well, I just found out the answer to my question of how far along you are! :) It took me a while for my tummy to pop out with my first. This time around, it's definitely happening sooner! It sure is funny watching our belly buttons change. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine goes in and leaves a BIG dent!
Passing along a website that sells a very nice maternity skirt - I loved the skirt it is comfortable and I look pregnant not like a blimp. It will be nice to wear after Baby comes also. Funny how having something new to wear at the end of the pregnancy makes the last month a little easier. - Joey

Carrie said...

Joey, that's so funny that yours goes IN rather than out!! :) I think a dent would be better than a bump, anyway!

Thanks for the link to that site--VERY nice clothes! I enjoyed looking at them. Is the skirt you have the A-line one? I liked a lot of their regular skirts, as well--they are very classy looking. I have a couple maternity skirts which I like, but I just may have to save up for some of the regular skirts and treat myself after I have the baby. :)