Wednesday, May 21, 2014

14 Weeks

{12 Week Photo--one of these days I WILL get a pic up with an update on the right week!}

Time for another update!  My 14 week appt. was supposed to be on Monday, but it ended up rescheduled to today because my midwife was at someone's labor (which turned out to be a false alarm, actually!).   I took the kids with me for the first time--they all wanted to hear baby's heartbeat. Unfortunately baby wasn't cooperating today and we never did hear the heartbeat!  I'm not worried, as we never heard Julia's and Josiah's till later, but it was a little disappointing since we were able to hear it so well at my first appt.

Everything else looked good.  My blood pressure was 100/70.  I've gained a total of about 9 lbs--a little more than I'd like, but I'm still fitting in my pre-preg. clothes so far. :)  We talked about my eating habits (I had to fill out a food journal for one week) and how I need to work on incorporating more veggies, and especially more protein and iron.

I've been feeling baby flutters much earlier this time around.  They started sometime between 12-13 weeks, I think.  Mostly it is just that "butterfly" feeling, but occasionally I get a pretty strong little kick.  As we were leaving the library later this afternoon I got one of those, which was fun--and assures me that all is most likely well with baby.  :)

I will try to update again at 16 weeks with at least a photo, since I am trying to take one every 4 weeks. I won't have any new appt. updates to post yet, but I am sure to look more pregnant by then. ;)


Mrs. Smith said...

Thinking of you and checking in tonight to see how you are doing. Hope you are feeling well!

Anonymous said...

You look great Carrie! :) I LOVE reading how everything is going. What a blessing that you were able to get so many maternity clothes for such a good price.

1HappyWife said...

The kids must have been so disappointed! Will they go to the next one? Don't you just love feeling your little person moving around? I just LOVE it! You will have to post some of you in your new maternity outfits here to.
Protein and iron are probably the only two things I don't have a problem getting enough of :)... I think I have spinach with every meal, even my eggs for breakfast have spinach and cream cheese in them. Smoothies with spinach are good too! I must be getting older :).
Are you craving anything?

Carrie said...

Thanks, everyone! Yes, Mrs. S, I am feeling really good now!! :) I have lots more energy again, although I can tell some days I am starting to get really tired by the end of the day.

Nikki, yes, the clothes were a HUGE blessing! I have already been enjoying wearing a few of them. :)

Joey, the kids will probably go to the next appt. and I bet we'll be able to hear it no problem by then. :) I am still feeling little wiggles now and then, and yes--it's a great feeling! I am looking forward to the movements getting stronger, so the kids and Jim can feel them too. :) I need to follow your example and get some spinach!! Can you share your favorite smoothie recipe (or a rough idea of how you make it, if there's no actual recipe) on your blog sometime? That would be a good way to get more iron. I'm not anemic or anything, my midwife just wants me to get plenty of iron. :) I have been doing a lot better lately with the protein--lots of chicken, cheese, etc! Lots of eggs for breakfast, too. I'm not craving anything right now; my cravings usually only last for the first tri. Then I was wanting stuff like tuna, and lemon! (Not together. ;))

1HappyWife said...

Me again :)! The smoothie recipe will be on the blog after 2 this afternoon. Leah helped me do the post ... we had lots of fun and the results were delicious!!!

Carrie said...

Thanks, Joey! I checked it out and now I want one!! I will have to buy some spinach this weekend. :) And some berries! Loved the pics of your little helper, too. :)

1HappyWife said...

Let me know what you think :)!
We planted tons of spinach and kale in hopes of freezing it for winter smoothies.
I think I will save my smoothie for later in the day as I spent the rest of the day craving another one :).

Carrie said...

We planted quite a bit of spinach, too . . . hopefully it comes up and does well! I have been enjoying the smoothies a lot!!