Friday, February 03, 2006

25 Weeks--Here comes the heartburn

I had high hopes that I was going to avoid having heartburn with this pregnancy, since I had pretty much sailed through up to this point without experiencing much. But this week, as if right on cue, I started having problems with it. Thankfully, though, it isn't continual (so far) and I haven't had much trouble with it at night, thanks to my wonderful wedge-shaped foam pillow! Other than that, the pregnancy continues to progress without much discomfort.

It's hard to remember for sure, but it seems that this little one is more active than Sam was at this age. He or she is quite the wiggleworm! I'm feeling bigger and bigger, and am definitely continuing to gain weight, but a lot of people that I've seen lately have commented on how small I am for being this far along. I can't say as I mind--I will start to pop out and get huge all too soon! Sometimes it seems that May is ages and ages away, and then at other times it seems that it's right around the corner. I am very excited to meet the baby, but there is also a lot that I would like to get done before he/she makes an appearance! The main thing being to finish the kids' room! Jim is currently in the process of making a bunk bed for Sam, so we can hopefully get him used to it before the baby takes over his crib. :) It's coming along really well, and should be done before long. At this point, I plan to keep the baby in our room for a little while to start with, probably in the pack-and-play beside our bed. I think that will make it a lot easier for nighttime nursings, and also not be as distracting for Sam. When Sam was a newborn, that wasn't an option for us because there was no place in our room to squeeze him in, unless it was in bed with us, which made us a little more nervous. Now that I've had a little experience with a baby in our bed from time to time, I wouldn't mind doing it sometimes, but we also like our space, and I think having the baby right by the bed will work out best. Then in a few months, we can move him or her into Sam's room, which will then become their room!

My UTI is gone now, thanks to the amoxycillin, and I'm feeling a lot more energetic. Hooray! Having Jim home for the past 2 weeks has also been helpful, as he has graciously let me sleep in a lot while he gets up with Sam. The bad part is, I could get spoiled to this!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: For those of you who have more than one child, did your different pregnancies "feel" different? I mean, did you seem to carry different ones differently, get sick with some and not with others, have heartburn, back pain, or whatever with different ones? Some people I've heard say they feel different with boys or girls--while some say they felt the same with each pregnancy. I have to say there are a few things that feel different this time around--heartburn definitely didn't start as early, and for some reason I feel prettier than I did while pregnant with Sam. That's probably just a mental thing, though. :) But overall, most things feel similar this time around. I'd love to hear others' experiences!


Anonymous said...

I don't remember much difference between any of my three pregnancies. The only things that come to mind are: Each time the baby was more active than the last. Isaac was really calm, didn't actually ever kick really hard. Eli wriggled and kicked a bit and then Levi kicked so much I think my ribs were bruised from the inside out! I don't think I felt prettier the second or third time around, just not so bothered by the weight gain. And I just remembered, each time round, I felt more tired and sore by the end of the 9 months, than I had the time before!

Anonymous said...

My pregnancies were pretty much the same. I carried the same, same amount of nausea, same blotchy complextion and I gained the same amount of weight. In fact I thought I was having another boy until we found out on the ultrasound that Hailey was a girl.

The only difference was that with Ethan I couldn't eat anything sweet or too rich (it made me nauseaus sp?) but with Hailey all I wanted was sweets. Oh, and with Ethan I had alot of water retention.

Anonymous said...

So far my boys (3) have all given me really bad headaches. The two girls I was queasy most of the time. My third boy was the most diffrent and so is he! This has been the best pregnancy. After the first 15 weeks when it had the title of the worst! After that I was able to get my eating under control and excercise regularly. I have been taking fish oil everyday and have not had any more headaches. My weight gain is substantionally less than with any other. Only 6 more weeks till we find out who this little person is!! I am off to order birth supplies. Have a great day and hopefully no heartburn.
- Joey

Carrie said...

It's so interesting to read all your experiences!! Elisha, I'm with you on the wanting sweets part. :) I've been eating too much chocolate with this one. Joey, that's interesting about the headaches with the boys. A friend of mine is expecting a boy and has had really bad headaches, as well. Must just be the way some people are made.

I thought of another difference, as well. With Sam, I had lots and lots of nosebleeds and also my gums would bleed quite a bit (and I'm a faithful flosser). This time around, I've had maybe 5 or less nosebleeds and my gums have bled probably 2 or 3 times so far.