I had a checkup yesterday afternoon, and everything is looking good! My blood pressure was normal at 120/82, my weight is up by about 10 lbs. total, and baby's heart rate was in the 140s to 160s. We all got a good laugh when baby kicked the doppler and made it go "boop" quite loudly. :) Like he or she was saying, "Stop poking me with that thing!" We talked a bit about my hopes for the birth (I'd like to have another waterbirth) and Sherry's assistant thought that would be neat, as she hasn't gotten to see a waterbirth yet.
After the appt. Jim spoiled me greatly by taking me out to Chili's! I hadn't eaten there for ages, so that was fun. Then we did a little shopping, and finished up with Frosties from Wendy's. We so enjoyed our date night without the kiddos--thanks Mom & Dad!!
So far this pregnancy has been very much like my others. The heartburn kicked in around 20 weeks, but thankfully I haven't been had more than a few really bad episodes. I am trying to drink more water which should not only help my digestion, but also should keep me from swelling as much. I usually get a lot of swelling in the last couple months, so I am really hoping to avoid that. I am measuring a bit small, as always. That is likely to change near the end, though, as the baby grows and changes position. Sciatica is still bothering some, but mostly just when I accidentally sleep on my back, or sit in a funny position or something.
Well, I'm sitting here listening to the primary results, so I'm a little distracted right now and haven't come up with any good question of the week. Feel free to comment anyway, though!