Hello everyone! I think this will be my final entry on my pregnancy blog. I'm sad to end it, but it makes more sense at this point to update about both kiddos on my regular blog. :) I have had such a blast doing this, though, and especially enjoyed all the interaction with my readers on the "Questions of the Week." I am definitely going to print this blog out, including all the comments, and put it into a binder to keep forever.
Julia is on her 17th day of life now, and doing wonderfully. She had her 2 week checkup today and it all went really well. We saw a new lady (a nurse practitioner, I believe) and liked her very much. It turns out she is a friend of Sherry's and used to be her neighbor! I have really appreciated the attitudes of both this lady and our favorite pediatrician there, regarding homebirth. Some drs. will really give you a skeptical look and attitude when you mention homebirthing, but both of these have been very accepting and supportive of it, which is so nice. Anyway, back to the checkup . . . :) Julia is up to 7 lbs. now, which was encouraging and shows that she is eating very well. They like to see babies back up to their birthweight by their 2 week checkup, so she is well past that! She has also grown a half inch, bringing her up to 19". She still has a touch of jaundice, but I think it is almost gone. Maybe someday we will get to see sunshine around here again, and then I can give her some more sun baths and get rid of it completely! :)
I was looking back over the guesses that everyone made about the baby to see what the results were. Here's who came the closest:
Gender: I think everyone guessed a girl, although a couple people put guesses for both a boy and girl. So everyone's a winner on this one!
Date: No one guessed an April date. Mrs. T (my mom) came the closest, with her guess of May 2nd.
Weight: Joanne was right on with her guess of 6.5 lbs!
Length: Anne and Joanne were the closest, guessing 20" . . . Julia was a shortie, in fact, at 18.5".
It was fun to see how close you all came! Thanks for guessing. :)
Big congratulations go out to Shyla, who had her baby boy on Mother's Day!! It's funny to realize that her newborn is heavier and longer than my 2 week old. :) She was due a week before me, though!
Today is my official due date, LOL! I'm so glad I didn't have to wait this long to meet baby Julia. As for me, I am feeling so good and I think I am just about all healed up from the birth. I've lost about 20 lbs. of my pregnancy weight, leaving about 14 lbs. to go. I know those are going to come off a bit slower than the first 20! I've only had a few attacks of the baby blues, and I've been feeling quite energetic, but trying not to overdo it. Now . . . just got to work on shedding the baby belly so I can fit into my summer clothes. You would think that would be all the motivation I need to get down and do some crunches, but it hasn't happened yet! :D
I want to thank everyone for reading and commenting on this blog; it helped make this whole pregnancy and birth even more enjoyable to be able to share the experience with others. I have had so much fun writing about it. I know most of you also read my other blog, so I'm sure I will keep hearing from you all now and then. :) Take care, and thanks so much for sharing this journey with me!